Nevaeh needs a safe place to live this Easter. With your $60 donation by April 20, you can give her a safe place to stay and the critical care she desperately needs!
13-year-old Nevaeh needs your help. Nevaeh was removed from her home because it wasn’t safe for her there. She suffered from physical and sexual abuse as a little girl. She never experienced the love and care she deserved as a child.
You can help change Nevaeh’s story.
With your $60 donation, you can give Nevaeh a safe place to stay and the critical care she desperately needs!
Let me tell you more about Nevaeh and how your gift will give this precious teen the safety and love she deserves this Easter.
Nevaeh has experienced severe neglect and abuse. Her parents were addicted to drugs and her living conditions were terrible. Even her grandparent and sibling abused her. Everyone in her life that she should have been able to trust were the source of her pain and trauma.
She has been placed in 16 different homes in her short life. And through all of that change and uncertainty, she never received the mental health care she so desperately needed. Her experiences have left Nevaeh feeling broken, unseen and unloved.
This Easter – during this season of renewal – you can give Nevaeh a fresh start. Your $60 donation provides safe shelter, food, therapy and care for Nevaeh and kids like her.
Nevaeh has lost her will to live. She struggles with depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Nevaeh does not believe things will get better. She does not believe she is worthy of love.
Your gift by April 20 will give Nevaeh a safe place to process her trauma. She can finally realize the abuse was not her fault. She can learn she is worthy of love.
You will be helping Nevaeh obtain the vital skills and support necessary to recover rather than run from her broken past. She will be able to focus on healing rather than being fearful of being abused or not having food to eat.
Nevaeh is weary from the trauma and her emotions. She acts out, even to those she cares about, because she can’t manage her feelings or herself anymore. At times she tries to escape her pain by dissociating from the world. She blocks everyone out and numbs herself so she cannot feel anymore.
But you can change her story!
Will you show Nevaeh the meaning of renewal this Easter by sending your special gift by April 20? Remember: Every $60 you give will provide a night of safety and care for kids in desperate need, like Nevaeh.
What a powerful way to show a hurting child the love of Jesus this Easter!
I know you believe Nevaeh deserves to be safe and feel safe after living in fear for most of her life. That she deserves to be loved unconditionally. That she absolutely deserves a chance to find healing and happiness after all that she’s experienced.
Will you help Nevaeh with your gift of safety for $60 today?

Give Nevaeh a safe place to stay!
Christian Children's Home of Ohio (CCHO) is a local nonprofit organization that has provided opportunities for donors like you to help abused and neglected children for more than 50 years. Based in Wooster, OH and serving all of Ohio – including Wayne County, Summit County, Stark County, Cuyahoga County, Franklin County and the surrounding areas – CCHO is a safe place for kids who have suffered extreme forms of physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse, as well as survivors of sex trafficking. Initially licensed as a foster care/group home for children, CCHO now has five cottages on its campus that are home to as many as 46 kids, ages 6-17, who have often been abused by parents or other people they trust. During their time with this faith-based charity in Ohio, children learn the tools they need to overcome the trauma they've experienced through various forms of therapeutic approaches (including recreational therapy, art therapy and equine therapy) as well as social, spiritual and educational opportunities designed to aid the child with the healing process, model for them how a healthy family functions, develop coping and life skills, and introduce them to Jesus Christ.