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Let's talk about the awesome kids at CCHO.

There are awesome kids at CCHO who come from hard places. And you can help them experience their truth worth. You’ll find some inspiring stories of life change below, along with more information about CCHO and ideas on how you can get involved in all that God is doing for these boys and girls!


Children who come from abusive homes have a hard time connecting with others. They’ve been traumatized by what they’ve experienced. They’ve learned they can’t trust other people. They face obstacles in life that most people won’t ever encounter.


But the abuse doesn’t get the last word. The neglect doesn’t define these young lives. Hope and healing are available to children who learn that they are loved unconditionally, despite what’s happened to them; who receive the therapy, support and supervision they need to overcome years of abuse; who finally experience the grace of their loving Creator.

Emily now has a warm bed and healthy meals


Emily lived in fear for most of her life. She knows what it’s like to be scared and lonely. She didn’t have a steady home that was safe...

Genesis now believes she is loved unconditionally


Genesis enjoys a trip to Cedar Point before she discharges from CCHO.

Cooper experienced growth in many areas of his life


Cooper once battled every relationship. Now he is becoming the kind young man God created him to be!

Mari learned the importance of relationships


Mari has suffered through years of abuse and neglect. She didn’t believe any of her needs mattered and resorted to aggressive outbursts...

Our Donors Brought an End to Amelia's Hungry Days


Our donors made sure that Amelia didn’t have to worry about food anymore! Because of their gift, she was given a safe place to stay and

The 2023 CCH-Olympics


Each year the CCHO campus participates in their own version of the Olympics. It is one of the kid's favorite activities and this year

Because of you, Ethan can focus on bettering himself


Thirteen-year-old Ethan lived in a home that revolved around drug use. Ethan experienced anger and acted out as he processed the overdose...

Thanks to you, Chris is experiencing healthy connections


Fifteen-year-old Chris lived in a home filled with abuse and violence. Anger and depression were common feelings to him. Frequently...

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