Eight-year-old Ariana was often exposed to drugs and alcohol. Left alone frequently, she cared for herself and her siblings. She longed to be close to her mom and dad who were absent physically and emotionally.
Ariana moved around a lot living with relatives and with foster families. The unknown was scary and unsettling. She used lies and manipulation to try to maintain control.
You made sure that Ariana was safe and received care for her unique trauma needs. Because you gave, she’s learned coping skills and now knows that she’s worthy of time and attention. She’s also explored new activities and grown in confidence.
Ariana had a tough time getting along with peers and adults. She used to hold in her feelings and then lash out when she reached her breaking point.
But your generosity has given Ariana a new view of herself and others. Recently Ariana and her peers in the young girls cottage visited a camp where they got to fish, complete an obstacle course, swim in the pool, hike a trail, and practice archery. Ariana enjoyed this social day exploring with friends.
Experiences like this coincide with her progress in therapy. Ariana has improved in talking about her feelings and frustrations. She’s getting better at receiving feedback too.
Before discharging, Ariana participated in an outing of her choice to celebrate her growth. She and a favorite staff member went to SkyZone. After 20 attempts, she reached the top of the wall trampoline–more proof that she’s capable of so much.
Ariana once battled every relationship. Now she’s living with a foster family and wants other kids to know the hope and connection she has found. She’s growing in her ability to trust adults, understanding they have her best interests in mind.
Thank you for making a difference in Ariana’s life!
If you’re inspired by this story, you can give a child just like Ariana safety and connection this summer through a special off-campus outing. Your $20 donation will help a child experience the fun of just being a kid. Your gift can be the start of replacing a child's difficult past with treasured moments. You can help heal a broken heart. It all begins with your gift of $20.