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Writer's pictureCCHO

Emily now has a warm bed and healthy meals

Emily lived in fear for most of her life. She knows what it’s like to be scared and lonely. She didn’t have a steady home that was safe or nurturing. Instead, violence and homelessness were part of daily life for Emily and her siblings. She had to lie and steal to get food and feel remotely safe. She couldn’t trust any adults to take care of her needs.

Because you chose to make a difference in 8-year-old Emily's life, she felt truly safe for the first time. You made sure she had a warm bed and consistent meals. You gave her a supportive place to be vulnerable and process her trauma. Because of you, Emily experienced her worth in Christ and she began to finally feel safe.

Due to the extreme neglect she experienced, Emily would get very agitated when she was hungry, and her emotions would overcome her. She would harm herself until she was taken to the hospital where she could get a warm meal and have a bed to sleep in. She acted out to get food and feel safe.

Because of you, this smart and bubbly little girl is receiving consistent care and a safe place to stay. You made sure she had a warm bed and healthy meals. She felt truly safe for the first time in her life which allowed her to open up and process her pain and trauma.

Today, Emily knows how to simply enjoy being a kid. Rather than worrying about her next meal, she spent the summer swimming, roller skating, and riding her bike. She connected with the staff and developed healthy relationships. She began to trust that food would be available when she was hungry.

Thank you for showing Emily how precious she is! She now knows that people care. She has dreams for her future. All because you gave! Thank you!


If you’re inspired by this story, you can give a child like Emily healthy meals this Thanksgiving. A hungry kid is often a kid who feels unworthy of being loved.

But you can do something about that! Your loving donation by Thanksgiving will provide three filling and delicious meals each day to a child who is used to going hungry this time of year.


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