Each Christmas, we are reminded that the boys and girls in our residential treatment program are just that: boys and girls. They have experienced traumas and atrocities that most people will never have to endure. They’ve been wounded, deeply. They can lash out at the people around them because they lack the ability to process their roller coaster of emotions, much less control them.
But they are still children. And, like other kids their age, most of them still get excited for Christmas.

This year, we wanted to share a sweet Christmas picture from Ryan*, a resident in our Young Boys cottage. Ryan came to CCHO in early 2018 with a heartbreaking history of physical and emotional abuse and neglect. He has witnessed domestic violence between his parents as well as their drug use.
Since arriving on campus, Ryan has begun to process his past trauma and build healthy relationships. He has learned that he was created for a reason, that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, that God has a purpose for his life. This summer, Ryan was even baptized in front of peers and staff.
This Christmas, we celebrate Jesus, Who came down and took on our humanity simply because He loved us. Ryan’s drawing shows the hope of home this holiday season. We are pleased to share that Ryan graduated from our program a few weeks ago. He’s now living with a foster family that we hope will become his forever family. Will you pause to pray for a smooth transition for Ryan back into community life with new routines and relationships? It would mean a lot.
As we witness the ways God has slowly worked on healing Ryan’s heart these past 11 months, we anticipate his joy in celebrating the holiday season in a safe home with a family. At the same time, we wish you and your family all the joy of Christ this season.
*Ryan’s name has been changed to protect his identity
Provide safety & care for hurting kids this Christmas. A gift of $60 this Christmas will provide one night of safety and care for a child in need. What a gift you can give!