Your vacation Bible school can transform the lives of hurting kids
CCHO was founded by 12 local churches who had a heart to see kids grow and heal in a safe, loving environment. To this day, our church supporters are foundation to our ministry of helping more people experience their worth in Christ. The youth who live in the residential center at Christian Children’s Home of Ohio (CCHO) come from hard places. They often don’t know the love of a family or the security of a next meal. They don’t know the joy of just being a kid. You can be part of life change for these children and teens.
We invite you to choose CCHO as your VBS mission this year and help kids in a tangible way.
Becoming a VBS partner with CCHO is one significant way your church can respond to James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

This summer you can help provide a child an opportunity to experience fun and connection through a special off-campus outing (visiting COSI, going to the movies, playing putt-putt, etc.). You can give a young boy or girl something to look forward to and help them know what it’s like to just be a kid.

Our One Heart Stables provides equine therapy for our children at CCHO. We currently have 12 therapy horses. This gift offering will help cover the cost of care and well-being of one of the horses for the year (hay, farrier/shoes, veterinary care, chiropractic care, supplements, & dewormer).

We would like to add additional equipment (pitching machine, pitching L-screen protector, bats, balls, etc.) to our CCHO baseball field for the kids to be able to enjoy during their recreational time outside.
Off-Campus Outing
Fund Goal: $5,000
Therapy Horse Sponsorship
Cost: $1,500
Baseball Fun
Cost: $2,000
We’re inviting our 2024 VBS church partners to raise funds for the following project:

A new outdoor basketball and pickleball court for the kids to be able to enjoy during their recreational time outside and know what it is like to just be a kid.
The current court is outdated, uneven, and poses a safety risk for children and teenagers when playing basketball, pickleball, volleyball, or any activity that requires a level playing surface. The old court will be demolished and replaced with a new one to make it safe for our kids to play. Your VBS offering can make this possible.
New Basketball and Pickleball Court
Cost: $30,000
Did you know? CCHO was founded by 12 local churches who had a heart to see kids grow and heal in a safe, loving environment. To this day, our church supporters are foundation to our ministry of helping more people experience their worth in Christ. Thank you for your considering becoming a VBS partner.
If you would like someone from CCHO to come speak during your VBS, we would be happy to do so with advance notice. For more information, please contact us at